My favorit cat Flame Min favoritkatt Flame

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  This Perser called Flame was the best cat in the world.  She was sure
            human and had the best    temperament ever!! I loved her so much.
She stay with us only seven years because her kidneys stop working.

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 Denna perserkatt kallad Flame var världens bästa katt.
Hon var verkligen som en mäniska, med ett underbart temprament.
Jag älskade  henne så mycket. Hon stannade endast sju år hos
oss p.g.a. att hennes  njurar slutade fungera

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Flame on the Radio           Flame on the car


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Norton our new cat, we got him in Maj. 1998.
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6 months old... He's rely big.
He guard us like a dog.. thank you Norton.

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Maja is a real lady..                very soft and sweet


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Maja.. We love you!

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